
Как правильно наносить несмываемый крем для волос

Nonsmear hair care should be applied to clean and slightly damp hair. If the product is intended for volume or accelerating hair growth, then it should be distributed over the scalp and root zone. In all other cases, it should be applied all over the hair, except for the roots.

  1. In what order to use non-rinse hair care products
  2. When to apply non-rinse hair cream
  3. Can hair cream be applied to dry hair
  4. How to apply hair cream correctly
  5. Tips for using non-rinse hair cream

In what order to use non-rinse hair care products

It doesn't matter what you use: non-rinse hair masks or oils — in any case, they should be applied after washing your hair.

When to apply non-rinse hair cream

First and foremost, non-rinse hair care should be applied to damp hair immediately after washing. It can be combined with any styling products, but first — hair care and only then all styling products. Do not apply care to the roots of the hair (unless it is a special product for the root zone and scalp).

Can hair cream be applied to dry hair

Hair creams are a type of non-rinse hair care product that serves as a complement to regular hair care — shampoos, conditioners and masks. Creams are designed to be applied to slightly dried damp hair or completely dry hair.

How to apply hair cream correctly

To apply hair cream correctly, first apply the cream to the palms of your hands and then to your hair, using gentle sliding movements to evenly distribute it. Depending on the function and type, the cream can be applied to 2/3 of the length of the hair or only to the ends, or to the roots if it is a volumizing cream.

Tips for using non-rinse hair cream

  • Choose the right product for your hair type and purpose
  • Apply only to clean and slightly damp hair
  • Avoid applying the care product to the roots of the hair if it is not intended for the root zone
  • Comb or brush your hair after applying the product to distribute it evenly
  • Use non-rinse hair cream as a complement to regular hair care

Overall, non-rinse hair care is a great way to pamper your hair with additional care. Remember the correct application techniques and choose the right product for your hair type to get the most out of it.
