
Можно ли Пшикать лидокаин на зубы

"Lidocaine spray is an effective pain reliever that can be used in dental practice and for other conditions such as gum inflammation or mouth ulcers. However, it is important to understand the proper dosage and application methods to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Dosage and application methods:

  • For dental pain relief, 1-3 sprays of lidocaine spray are recommended in the affected area. It can also be applied using a cotton swab dipped in the solution.
  • To prevent scaring children, in dental practice, it is preferable to apply the spray using a cotton swab.

Is it safe to spray lidocaine on gums?

While lidocaine spray can provide temporary relief for gum inflammation or other dental issues in emergency situations at home, it is important to seek professional dental help promptly. Lidocaine can only relieve pain temporarily and does not solve underlying dental problems. Therefore, seeking a dentist's help is critical to prevent further complications.

How long does lidocaine last on teeth?

The effect of lidocaine on teeth can last for up to two hours for infiltration injections, while the effect of Ultracaine can last up to 4-5 hours.

Can you spray lidocaine?

Yes, lidocaine can be sprayed or applied externally to relieve pain."

Useful tips:

  • Always consult a dentist before using lidocaine spray or any other medication for dental issues.
  • Make sure to follow the instructions and proper dosage recommended by the dentist.
  • Seek professional dental help as soon as possible to address underlying dental problems.
  • Keep lidocaine spray out of reach of children and store it properly.
  • It is crucial to always prioritize safety when using lidocaine or any other medication.